2018 Area Plan

Some materials related to the 2018 Area Plan including (CLICK to see the links):

  • bookmark to distribute to leaders and members,
  • A video of Elder Walter F. González, president of the Caribbean Area, and
  • document for leaders called Vision for Individuals and Families.

We ask the following of you:

  1. As soon as possible, please present the Area Plan to members during the Sunday School and Priesthood/Relief Society hours.
  2. On that Sunday, during the Sunday School hour ward and branch leaders would present the video prepared by Elder Gonzalez, if available. Leaders are invited to comment on the principles of the Plan from the video, encourage members to express their thoughts and ask questions, and encourage them to set personal goals – which can be written on the bookmarks that will be distributed during the presentation. You can refer to the January article by Elder Gonzalez, A New Opportunity.
  1. During the third hour, leaders encourage the members of their classes or quorums to discuss and counsel together what they will do to implement the Area Plan in such a way that it is recorded in their minds and in their hearts.