Members Of The Church In Aruba Serve Community


Members and missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are able to show what being Christian truly means by jumping on opportunities to serve, and, on the wonderful Aruba morning of May 29th (2021), they received that opportunity.

After receiving an invitation to serve from the local Hospice in San Nicolas (Hospice Atardi), Aruba, the Saints were willing to take on the task. Many Latter-day Saints responded and service was given!

The Hospice Atardi has been on the island now for almost three years and has given great service to the community, but, as many aspects of life were affected by the pandemic, that was also the case for the Hospice. Before the pandemic  rooms were put to good use and services were provided to the terminally ill., Now that is not the case as we compare past times to present times. But the Hospice Atardi reflects boldly and courageously what the state of the world looks like right now. The members and missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints reflect, in like manner, what must be done to recover from this pandemic, and that is SERVICE!


Brother Bill Buckley shared his thoughts about the experience, “I felt happy. It was an opportunity to talk about the church and explain the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What better way to explain the Gospel of Jesus Christ than by serving your neighbors!”

The Hospice Atardi was very pleased with the service and gave their thanks, and they even posted it on their facebook page!

All in all, help was needed, service was given and relationships made. 

So get out there and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by acting as He would and serve your neighbor!